Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More Clouds

7 x 10 soft pastels on Art Spectrum Colourfix
Miki Willa
I am constantly inspired by the clouds here. I live on a ridge that gives me great cloud views all the time. This is another in the cloud series I started a while back. What fascinates me are all the colors in clouds. I used to see only white and grey. Then I would take a photo, and all that showed up were white and grey. Since I moved here, I have really looked at clouds and see the deep purples, yellows, peaches, and blues as well. I am not talking just about sunsets and sunrises. At first, I was afraid to use any of these colors in daytime clouds. I was sure no one would believe them. Now, I just want to share what I see when I look at them.
One of the things I have noticed lately is that when I force myself to paint because I am trying to paint every day, I don't always have a good outcome. It is when I have strong feelings about a subject that things fall together. When I am not totally centered on following the rules, even though it is not how I see it, my paintings end up looking much better to me. Maybe I should have a stack of my cloud photos set aside for those days that nothing else inspires me. Clouds will always make me happy. Clouds and mountains.

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